Sunday, October 26, 2014

Final Blog Update

In Praise Of Designer Babies

Designer Babies is a customising your unborn child before birth or plantation of the embryo in your womb through IVF treatment. People have already gone through with this procedure because technology has already been developed for this procedure. Making a Designer Baby is not cheap and usually costs $50,000, so basically not everyone can afford it because of its huge price tag. But the invention of Designer Babies should be praised and also feared at the same time, because of Designer Babies is a invention/procedure that can please a lot of people, for example parents can customise their unborn child and probably making them smarter and have good cosmetic features, and also Designer Babies can help cure some incurable diseases.

This technology is banned or illegal in some countries because some citizens disapprove, like for example in the UK Designer Babies are illegal because people are not allowed to "design" a baby.

Fig. 1
Procedure of Designing the baby

The figure above is explaining the procedure of Designing a baby. First of all it shows the embryo and the biomarker is basically the gene and it requires traits, then it is placed inside the mother's womb then it becomes a baby.

Only embryo's that has a biomarker can pass on the traits selected and then could make a child.

Fig. 2
How embryos are made
The figure above is a diagram that shows how embryos are made.

It shows how the mother's egg cell and the father's sperm is combined then it shows the genes and sometimes if there are donor genes like for example someone elses blonde hair gene it will be removed then inserted again

Fig. 3
Genetic Screening

The figure above is a diagram of how Genetic Screening works

Genetic Screening is a big part of making a Designer Baby and it basically analysing embryos.

Fig. 4
Designer Genes

The figure above is a picture explaining the genes system going on in the procedure of Designer Babies

So the embryo is analysed in the computer and then it selects the desired traits that are wanted for the child. Then the genes with be inserted into the embryo

 Fig. 5
Embryo test

The figure above is a diagram on the new embryo test, now IVF is a big part of Designer Babies because it is basically how the whole procedure works because in the beginning the embryo is taken out of the womb then in the end it is inserted back into the womb and that is basically how IVF works


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